The Gifts of Improv

You Will Receive the Ability

  1. Trust – building trust with yourself and others
  2. Listen – keenly listening to others
  3. Acceptance – willingly accept offers from others and build on their ideas
  4. “Yes, and” – become a “Yes, and” not a “Yes, but” person
  5. Willingness – to experience more
  6. Spontaneity – become more spontaneous
  7. Risk-taker – develop and become a courageous risk-taker
  8. Failure – fail happily and make friends with failure to learn from these experiences
  9. Comfort Zone – willingly step out of your comfort zone
  10. Presence – accept and enjoy being in the present and living in the moment
  11. Self – enjoy a deeper understanding of self
  12. Engagement –  develop a deeper engagement with others
  13. Work Together – thrive when working together with peers
  14. Concentration Skills – develop and hone concentration and focus skills
  15. Laughter – laugh more often and freely
  16. Fear – make friends with fear
  17. Awareness – of non-verbal communication
  18. Make Your Partner Look Good – put the focus on your partner and leave your ego at the door